Hauling Groceries to Mackinac

Posted by Nicole Doud on

Mackinac Island is truly a community like no other, especially during the winter. Living on Mackinac Island comes with a unique set of challenges, especially when the lake freezes over and the boat stops running.

 One way Mackinac Island comes together during the winter is in the hauling of groceries across the ice bridge. Locals know to expect a slight delay during the winter in the timing of deliveries and if the weather is especially bad, they know groceries may not arrive (which is a rare occurrence). Andrew Doud personally hauls groceries across the ice bridge with his team each week (as the weather permits). 

If the Mustang Lounge, a restaurant on Mackinac that stays open year-round has food waiting to cross, Andrew and his team always make sure to help them get it across. It’s just one small way the local community comes together to help each other out. 

Crossing the ice bridge is a way of life and piece of history that we are still acting on today. Andrew crossed the ice bridge with his father, who crossed it with his father. One day, Andrew's sons' will cross with him. It is a piece of history that will continue to live on for years to come.

There are a few things that change on Mackinac year after year. But things that never change include the sense of community that each and every business extends to one another.